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Health & wellness author.
Talk therapy.
Remote cellular energy-healing.


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New! Talk-therapy sessions. Warm, loving and liberating.

Spiritual therapy for women's health

Working with the natural emotional intelligence of the body!

Services offered:


  • Unique DNA energy-therapy distance healing sessions 

  • Intuitively-led talk therapy (you don't need to be a spiritual person to benefit from this form of therapy)

  • Psychic-intuitive email readings

  • Self-help books for women

Cellular (DNA) Energy-Therapy & Spiritual Psychology (talk-therapy)


Unlike Reiki, this form of therapy works on the mind-body connection in terms of disease, disorder and dysfunction as well as accessing genetic trauma and first-hand experiences that have caused your Spirit to break. It is incredibly liberating with clients feeling "lighter" after one session.


This is a unique concept and powerful healing modality developed by Liz Camilla, after years of working with a variety of clients dealing with psychological, physical and spiritual distress.


Traditional psychology always interested Liz but she felt that there was so much more to the health and well-being of a woman than simply sitting down and talking through traumas. That by combining the loving wisdom of spirituality with the 'science of the mind' psychology, women could recover on much greater levels.


She always had a love of energy-healing, supportive earthly vibrations as well as the intuitive messages that would often come through to her during sleep or in the presence of animals. Furthermore, Liz had a fascination with the relationship of how the mind makes the body sick when unhealed and polluted through psychological toxins.


After finally fine-tuning her gifts, knowledge, research and skills, she devised a remarkably potent, loving and empowering healing method that she refers to as 'Spiritual Psychology' and DNA energy-therapy.


The model:


Science: Diving deep during a meditative state to access the entire physiology of a client (cells, systems and organs). It is here that Liz can interpret trauma and repressed suffering that is making each organ, cells and system sick. Her unique gifts allow her to intuitively see into the body and "hear" messages of struggle and where they originate from (she can't diagnose or see diseases so please don't worry!) but she can hear messages of why they are there, if you have revealed health issues to her.


Psychology: Looking at the entire psychological framework of a client to understand why they have suffered emotionally and what themes have contributed such as narcissistic parental abuse, childhood trauma and much more. Emotional brain damage is a pivotal aspect of her psychological interpretations.


Spiritual: Utilising a unique method of laser-focused energy-therapy through spiritual healing that focuses directly on the physical and emotional body. This is a combination of modern shamanism (drawing upon spiritual messages from the earth, Spirit Animals and the vibrations of nature in general) and "cosmic" healing which means a very pure form of spiritual energy is brought through the body in order to help activate cellular rejuvenation and transformation. This method is supported by the highly acclaimed stem cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton.


Distance Healing Sessions With Liz


How does it work?


Just like a psychic reading, Liz can hear and see what your body needs help with.


Each healer has their own gifts and hers are within the organs, DNA and cellular memory of the mind, body and spirit. They hold all of the clues to where your core sources of suffering are trapped and what is making you feel less than sparkling! Liz believes that it's important to also understand the psychological blueprint within a person in order to get a full picture of why the body has experienced so much suffering and illness.


Liz works on your body whilst in deep mediation, performs her magic and then you will receive an in-depth intuitive healing report on what exactly has been seen, healed and cleared.


Raise your vibe!

Here's Why Your Body LOVES Energy-Therapy!: 


  • Powerful effects on your brain: During a session your brainwaves automatically slow down. Particularly potent as a distance healing.

  • Nervous system healing: Allowing your nervous system to come out of fight-flight and into parasympathetic (rest) state!

  • Physiological transformation (cellular): Signalling to the cells to gently reveal what stored memories are causing disorder and illness, ready for release and rapid recovery.

  • Psychological recovery: Deepening the healing experience by working on the psychological upsets and damage to your spirit.

  • Rapid mind-body recovery: Allowing new cells to develop without the trauma signatures that make you suffer. Upgrading the vibes in your cells (it's Science!).

  • Activating youth codes: AND…it makes you look younger :). Forget those fancy face creams and detoxes, your body will thank you for committing to DNA energy-therapy.

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